Narrative of the ExpeditionPerformed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854. by M. C. Perry 0 Reviews First edition, published in Washington, DC in 1856. 3-Volume Set. Vol. I: xvii + 538. Illustrated with many color plates. Vo. II: vii + 414. Illustrated with many maps and includes the facsimile of the original treaty with Japan. Vol. III: xliii + 706.... $550.00
NeyrangestanTranslated from the Persian with Annotations by M. R. Ghanoonparvar by Sadeq Hedayat (1903- 1951) 0 Reviews This book is a translation of Sadeq Hedayat’s Neyrangestan, a collection of Persian beliefs and customs, including Persian tales, legends, myths, and proverbs, among other issues. A major interest of Hedayat was to collect and study Iranian folklore... $35.00
Nigāristān: A Facsimile Edition. by Gregory Maxwell Bruce 0 Reviews Nigāristān (compiled 1334–5) is an important work of Persian wisdom literature and one of the first works written on the model of, and in response to, the Guilstān of Saʿdī. Its author, Mu‘īnī... $85.00
Nimrud and Its Remains by M. E. L. Mallowan 0 Reviews SOLD! Published in 1966 by Collins, St. James's Place. London, U.K. Two volumes plus a third volume of maps. This is a boxed set. See under "Select Images." Dust jackets are slightly worn; binding and inside pages are all in excellent... $195.00
No Heaven for Gunga Din by Ali Mirdrekvandi (a.k.a. Gunga Din) 0 Reviews Unique is a word much abused these days, but no other description be applied to this charming , original, and altogether primitive parable written in broken and eloquent English by an Iranian/Persian peasant for the entertainment of the British and American ... $20.00