

Books in Series

  • Armenian Studies Series. (21)

    Editorial Board:
    Prof. Bedross Der Matossian,
    Prof. Sergio La Porta,
    Prof. Christina Maranci,
    Prof. Levon Abrahamian

    This series aims to make Armenian, Persian, and Russian primary texts available in annotated English translations in order to provide a wider access for students of Armenian, Iranian, Russian, Georgian, and Turkish Studies. Original monographs and proceedings of scholarly conferences focusing on Armenian history and literature are also included within the series.

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Americans in Iran/Persia Collection (4)

    General Editor: A. K. Jabbari

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Archaeology, Art & Architecture Series (3)

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Intellectual Traditions Series (14)

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Iranshahr Scientific and Philosophical Writings (6)

    Board of Editors:
    Gholamreza Dadkhah, Editor in Chief.
    Amos Bertolacci (Lucca, Italy)
    Veysel Kaya (Istanbul, Turkey)
    Reza Pourjavady (Frankfurt, Germany)
    Sajjad Rizvi (Exeter, England)
    The area of influence over civilization and culture that historically extended from Western China and Transoxiana (Fara Roud = Ma-wara’-al-nahr) to Mesopotamia and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea is known as Iranshahr (or Eranshahr) and its people are generally referred to as Iranians. A distinct characteristic of these ancient peoples has been their reliance on the collective wisdom and thinking of multiple cultures. The peoples of Iranshahr have always responded to the intellectual, scientific, and spiritual legacies of other nations––the Greeks, the Indians, the Chinese, and the Semitic peoples, for example––with fairness and clear-sightedness. In turn, the Iranians have significantly influenced their neighbors. The fruits of some of these reciprocal influences are the valuable scientific and philosophical works that for many centuries have been among the most original sources of research and learning and have played a major role in the advancement of human civilization throughout the world.
    In the past few decades, however, many of the works that have without question been the products of Iranian intellect and wisdom have been unfairly attributed to and published in the name of other nations and cultures. What is baffling is that the injudicious efforts of some Iranians and Orientalists have played a significant role in crediting these very works to non-Iranian sources.
    In this series, by editing and publishing philosophical and scientific works by Iranians, we are taking a step toward reintroducing the true historical contributions of this nation. To the extent possible, we also seek to prevent the theft, distortion, and misinterpretation of the achievements of centuries of their intellectual efforts, a travesty that could occur amid recent changes in geographical boundaries followed by newly emerging national and cultural propensities. We hope that, with the help of scholars in the various fields of Iranian studies, we can accomplish this quest properly.

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Islamic Art & Architecture Series (10)

    Abbas Daneshvari, Editor in Chief
    California State University, Los Angeles.

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Kurdish Studies Series (14)

    Robert Olson, editor at large.

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Literature Series (19)

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Performing Arts Series (15)

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Persian Fiction in Translation (25)

    Consulting Editors:
    M. R. Ghanoonparvar,
    Faridoun Farrokh,
    Arta Khakpur,
    Frank Lewis.

    Persian fiction is considered the most dynamic and creative genre of modern Persian literature. This series makes the works of major Iranian novelists and short story writers since late 19th century available in English.

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: The Iranian Heritage in the Caucasus and Central Asia (2)

    General Editor: Staff
    The Achaemenid and Sasanian Persian/Iranian empires encompassed many present-day neighboring nations. Al-though the Arab conquest ushered in a new religion and alphabet, Iranian cultural influence remained strong in these areas. The emergence of the Shi`a Safavids signaled the beginnings of Iran as a nation state and distinguished Iran from its Arab and Turkish neighbors. The Safavids managed to restore some of the grandeur of ancient Iran, by holding sway over the present-day nations of the South Caucasus such as Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, as well as those in Central Asia, such as Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. Although Iranian political and socioeconomic influence persisted in the region until the second-half of the 19th century, its linguistic, literary, and religious influence continued for another century, and remains to this day in some of these lands.

    This series aims to make available texts and documents in Persian, Russian, Georgian, Armenian and Turkish in annotated English translations with introductions and commentaries, for scholars conducting research on what can be viewed as the Iranian world from the 16th to the present.


    George Bournoutian, Iona College, Chief Editor
    Willem Floor, Independent Scholar
    Stefan Kamola, Princeton University
    Firuza Melville, Cambridge University
    Fatemeh Orouji, University of Tabriz
    Babak Rezvani, University of Amsterdam

  • Bibliotheca Iranica: Urban Planning History of Iranian Cities (1)

    Ali Modarres, Editor.

    The architecture and art history of Iran has been discussed extensively by many scholars through-out the world. Typically, these discussions have evaluated the inherent artistic quality of individual buildings and have expounded on their technical uniqueness. The picture created thus far is the evolution of architectural technology and its regional variations within Iran. Pre-and-post Islamic art and architecture are usually discussed without an adequate assessment of their social contexts, and there is little or no recognition that these creations and their creators were part of the larger social processes. This is contrary to the critical social theories of art and architecture that have emerged over the last few decades in the west.

    The social geography of American and European cities has generally been studied as an indication of social relationships, political and economic structure, and the degree of inter-group conflicts and isolation. Academic discourse on poverty, segregation, inequitable treatment of immigrants and many other social pathologies focuses largely on their spatial imprints, which can scar the geography of a city for many years. Furthermore, contextual urban histories, which focus on spatial evidence, have been used in the manner of social archaeology to reveal social structure and past political relationships. This approach is closely tied to a deeper theoretical notion, that the Cartesian coordinates of individuals are closely tied to their sociopolitical coordinates. In this process, spatial arrangements can articulate the passive aggressive behavior of the majority in treating the underclass populations that are marginalized either ethnically, politically or religiously. Within this context, a critical analysis of cities, their architecture and planning, demo-graphic shifts, neighborhood transitions, growth/decline, and economic restructuring can become a powerful indicator of the deeper social processes that are not revealed in traditional studies.

    An important element of such a focus is determining to what extent a locality operates within the norm of the larger state or defies the norm by asserting its local needs and identity. Cities and neighborhoods move from “spaces” to “places” as they navigate these divergent paths, and it is the departure from a universal identity that allows cities and neighborhoods their own unique character and provides them the opportunity for national and global recognition. Cities in Iran are no exception to this general behavior.

    The proposed book series is dedicated in part to unraveling the sense of place that is created by the social momentum of history and promotes the use of social geography and a critical analysis of architecture and planning approaches to contribute to a deeper understanding of the social transformations that have occurred in Iranian cities over the last two centuries. Since no two cities have identical histories, for the purpose of continuity, the books in this series will ad-dress three major themes for each selected city:
    1. Local history (and its relation to the larger history of the region) and urban morphology, both spatially and socially;
    2. Demographic characteristics, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries; and
    3. Social restructuring and spatial development of the city, with an emphasis on planning approaches within the last few decades.
    Authors should attempt to depart from the recursive discourse on one history of Iran and focus on creating multiple alternative histories of Iran that emphasize the importance of each locale. For example, the urban experience of various groups, their relationships with each other and with the local government, will be unraveled both to create the history of the “public” experience in Ira-nian cities and to identify the degree to which various cities conformed to or departed from the singular narratives on Iran’s imperial past.

    While the theoretical theme will remain consistent, each book will introduce a new city. Our attempt here is to provide readers with a typology of Iranian cities, as well as the social, economic, political, architectural and environmental variables that may explain the multifaceted nature of Iranian urbanization. All authors should provide a detailed discussion and critical analysis of the planning processes and modernization approaches under the Pahlavi regime and the Islamic Republic. The books should conclude with a summative chapter that addresses the role of con-temporary planning approaches in dealing with growth, non-native residents, employment, environmental conditions, and overall quality of life indicators. Authors may wish to address the ex-tent to which contemporary growth patterns are affecting the older neighborhoods and how social processes are generating a spatially defined class structure.

  • Exilic & Diasporic Writings (4)

  • Festschrift (8)

    Kamron A. Jabbari, acquisitions editor.

  • Indo-Aryan Language & Literature (1)

  • Islamic Art Reprints, (2)

    Series canceled.

  • Judeo-Iranian & Jewish Studies Series (4)

  • Mazda Publishers Reprints (5)

  • Persian Language Pub. Series (6)

  • Premier Series (0)

  • Sasanika Series (5)

    General Editor: Touraj Daryaee.
    The influence of the Iranian civilization in the historical development
    of the Middle East, Central Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean world was paramount, particularly during the Sasanian period (224-651 CE). The Sasanika Series which is part of the Sasanika: Late Antique Iran Project attempts to publish the latest works for scholars around the world about the Sasanian Empire and its influence on the neighboring regions.

    The Sasanika Series publications are supported by the Dr. Samuel M. Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture at the University of California, Irvine.

  • UCI Jordan Center Translation Series (1)

    Nasrin Rahimieh, Editor in Chief.
    University of California, Irvine.

  • UCLA Armenian History & Culture Series (15)

    General Editor: Richard G. Hovannisian.

    The UCLA “Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces” series focuses on the Armenian provinces and communities in the Ottoman Empire, with scholars addressing historical, political, cultural, linguistic, social, economic, and religious aspects of the Armenians of these areas and their ultimate destruction in the period between 1894 and 1923.

  • Zoroastrian Studies Series (6)

    This series was established in 2000 by a generous donation from the A. K. Jabbari Trust Fund. The purpose of the series is to study the Zarathushtrian worldview.

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