

On the High Road. The History of Godin Tepe, Iran

Series: Bibliotheca Iranica: Archaeology, Art & Architecture Series 1
Availability: In stock
Published: 2011
Page #: xiv + 350
Size: 8 x 10
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-56859-165-0, 1-56859-165-9
plates, index, notes, references

$65.00 $45.00

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Quick Overview

The site of Godin Tepe is located in the southeastern corner of the Kangavar valley in central western Iran, at the western end of the Silk Road. Excavated by the late T. Cuyler Young Jr. under the auspices of the Royal Ontario Museum from 1965 to 1973, Godin provides the longest continuous sequence of occupation of any archaeological site in central western Iran. On the High Road will trace the 4000-year history of this uniquely important settlement and demonstrate how, at each successive phase of occupation, the people of Godin exploited their home's position at the crossroads of cultures. "On the High Road" will provide the first major publication of the material remains from Godin. The assemblage of artifacts includes over ten thousand pottery sherds and elaborately painted vessels; about seven hundred unique stone, ceramic, bone, and metal objects including jewelry, bronze drinking bowls, and clay animal figurines; some of the earliest clay tablets and sealings from Iran; and hundreds of samples of organic material and animal bone which have provided evidence for early wine and beer production. The long overdue publication of Godin will constitute a major contribution to the scholarship of the archaeology of the Near East and will provide a fitting culmination to one of the most important archaeological projects of Iranian archaeology from the last half of the 20th century. The book will also serve as a record of the lifework of former ROM director and internationally respected scholar of early Iranian history, the late T. Cuyler Young Jr. "On the High Road" will be aimed at a broad readership. The authors will weave a narrative of the remarkable 4000-year history of Godin while explaining how archaeological remains are used to reconstruct the past. Select architectural plans and reconstructions as well as photos and drawings of the most complete objects will illustrate the art and architecture of the various phases at the site, and will also be used to demonstrate how artifacts can offer us clues into the social, economic, and spiritual lives of the people that used them. The printed volume will be supplemented by an extensive online database that will provide further detail and illustration for those scholars in search of more indepth information about the site. This innovative approach to publishing Godin Tepe will make this important site accessible to a wider audience than can be served by a traditional site report, while at the same time providing the data that is required for future scholarship.


Mitchell Rothman

Dr. Mitchell S Rothman is an Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Widener University, and a Consulting Scholar at the Penn Museum. He has conducted archaeological excavation and survey projects throughout the Middle East. He has written final reports on earlier excavations at Tepe Gawra, Iraq, and Godin Tepe, Iran, and books and articles on the origin of the state in Mesopotamia of the Uruk Period, the Kura-Araxes cultural tradition, and theoretical issues of archaeological interpretation. His early work concentrated on Mesopotamia, but in the last decade and a half he has been involved with understanding the fascinating 4th and 3rd millennium BC Kura-Araxes culture in its South Caucasian homeland and in its extensive migrant diaspora from the Zagros across the Taurus Mountains and down into the Levant.

Hilary Gopnik

Hilary Gopnik received her BA in Anthropology and Classics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and her MA/PhD in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Toronto. Her doctoral dissertation, under the supervision of Dr. T. Cuyler Young Jr., dealt with the ceramics from the Iron Age level at Godin Tepe. Gopnik is particularly interested in exploring the role of style in both modern and ancient cultures. She has written about aspects of style as reflected in a range of artifact types including pottery, high art, and architecture. For the past ten years Gopnik has worked as a professional writer and editor with an emphasis on history and biography. Since 2008 she has been the ceramicist and assistant director for the archaeological site of Oglanqala in Azerbaijan.

List of Maps
List of Plans
List of Sections
List of Tables
Key to Architectural Plans

Hilary Gopnik

Chapter 1. History of the Excavations at Godin Tepe
Hilary Gopnik

Chapter 2. Making Sense of the Mound: Archaeological Interpretation at Godin
Hilary Gopnik

Chapter 3. The Environment of Godin Tepe
Mitchell S. Rothman

Chapter 4. Contact and Development in Godin Period VI
Mitchell S. Rothman/Virginia R. Badler

Chapter 5. Migration and Re-settlement in Godin Period IV
Mitchell S. Rothman

Chapter 6. The Godin Period III Town
Robert C. Henrickson

Chapter 7. The Median Citadel of Godin Period II
Hilary Gopnik


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