

Persian Cuisine. Traditional, Regional, and Modern Foods

New edition includes directions for preparing most of the recipes as vegetarian or vegan dishes.

Availability: In stock
Published: 2014
Page #: xv + 302
Size: 9 x 12
ISBN: 1-56859-191-8
plates, index


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Quick Overview

The cuisine of every nation provides a means of celebrating its culture, and this volume, the most comprehensive collection of recipes of Persian culinary arts, represents a celebration of several
thousand years of Persian heritage and civilization. Persian cuisine is the product of the skill, creativity, patience, care, and compassion of many generations of cooks, whether mothers, fathers, wives, or husbands preparing food for their families and friends or professional chefs at royal courts and the homes of the

Persian Cuisine: Traditional, Regional, and Modern Foods is a user-friendly cookbook that belongs in the kitchen, not on the coffee table! In keeping with this philosophy, the pictures in the volume for the most part come from the kitchens and tables of average users of these recipes, not from a professional studio using enhanced photography. That means that the user should be able to create the same end products seen in the

The first edition of Persian Cuisine Book I, Traditional Foods, published in 1982, followed by Persian Cuisine Book II, Regional and Modern Foods, published in 1984, sold tens of thousands of copies and became the bestselling books on Iranian cooking in English. The present volume is the latest and the most complete collection of recipes by M. R. Ghanoonparvar. It contains updated and improved versions of all the recipes from the previous two books, in addition to a large number of new recipes from every part of Iran. This volume includes many cultural notes and features beautiful original photographs. Wine historians believe that winemaking originated in ancient Persia and wine has been an indisputably crucial component of Persian culture. Hence, a chapter on the history of wine in Iran has been added to this new edition.

Persian Cuisine: Traditional, Regional, and Modern Foods is also very friendly to vegetarians and vegans, since the main ingredients of most recipes consist of vegetables and fruits. The newest edition published in 2014, includes directions for preparing most of the recipes as vegetarian or vegan dishes.


M. R. Ghanoonparvar

M. R. Ghanoonparvar is Professor Emeritus of Persian and Comparative Literature at The University of Texas at Austin. Professor Ghanoonparvar has also taught at the University of Isfahan, the University of Virginia, and the University of Arizona, and was a Rockefeller Fellow at the University of Michigan. He is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Teachers of Persian (2021) as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to presenting Persian culinary arts to the non-Iranian public from Encyclopædia Iranica (2009). He has published widely on Persian literature and culture in both English and Persian and is the author of: Prophets of Doom: Literature as a Socio-Political Phenomenon in Modern Iran (1984),In a Persian Mirror: Images of the West and Westerners in Iranian Fiction(1993), Translating the Garden (2001), Reading Chubak (2005), Persian Cuisine: Traditional, Regional and Modern Foods (2006), Iranian Film and Persian Fiction (2016), Dining at the Safavid Court (2016), and From Prophets of Doom to Chroniclers of Gloom (2021). His translations include Jalal Al-e Ahmad’s By the Pen, Sadeq Chubak’s The Patient Stone, Simin Daneshvar’s Savushun, Ahmad Kasravi’s On Islam and Shi’ism, Sadeq Hedayat’s The Myth of Creation, Nima Yushij’s The Neighbor Says: Letters of Nima Yushij and the Philosophy of Modern Persian Poetry, Davud Ghaffarzadegan’s Fortune Told in Blood, Mohammad Reza Bayrami’s TheTales of Sabalan and Eagles of Hill 60, and Bahram Beyza’i’s Memoirsof the Actor in a Supporting Role. His edited volumes include Iranian Drama: An Anthology, In Transition: Essays on Culture and Identity in Middle Eastern Societies, Gholamhoseyn Sa’edi’s Othello in Wonderland and Mirror-Polishing Storytellers, and Moniro Ravanipour’s Satan Stones and Kanizu. His most recent translations include Shahrokh Meskub’s In the Alley of the Friend and Leaving, Staying, Returning, Hushang Golshiri’s Book of Jinn, Moniro Ravanipour’s The Drowned and These Crazy Nights, Hamid Shokat’s Flight into Darkness: A Political Biography of Shapour Bakhtiar and Caught in the Crossfire: A Political Biography of Qavamossaltaneh, Ghazaleh Alizadeh’s The Nights of Tehran, Ruhangiz Sharifian’s The Last Dream and Doran, and Shahrnush Parsipur’s Blue Logos. He was the recipient of the 2008 Lois Roth Prize for Literary Translation. His forthcoming books are Swan Songs: On Diseases, Death and Dying in Persian Stories and Life Is a Fiction: A Memoir of Life and Literature. His forthcoming translations include Ghazaleh Alizadeh’s The House of the Edrisis and Two Views, Hossein Atashparvar’s From the Moon to the Well, and Reza Julai’s Jujube Blossoms.



Chapter 1: Herbs and Spices

Chapter 2: Rice and Rice Dishes
(Chelo, Polo & Tahchin)

Chapter 3: Meat & Poultry Entrees in Sauce
(Khoresh & Khorak)

Chapter 4: Grilled Meats & Cutlets
(Kabab & Shami)

Chapter 5: Quiches, Souffles & Omelets
(Kuku, Nargesi & Sheshandaz)

Chapter 6: Fish and Other Seafood
(Mahi,Meygu & Khaviyar)

Chapter 7: Pottage, Porridge, and Soup
(Ash, Halim, and Abgusht)

Chapter 8: Meatballs & Stuffed Dishes
(Dolmeh, Kufteh, and Pirashki)

Chapter 9: Salads and Accompaniments
(Burani, Morraba, and Torshi)

Chapter 10: Breads (Nan)

Chapter 11: Desserts,Sweets & Confections
(Shirini & Desert)

Chapter 12: Tea and Other Drinks
(Chay and Sharbat)

Chapter 13: Snacks and Sandwiches

Chapter 14: Wine

Chapter 15: Special Occasions, Feasts and Banquets

Chapter 16: Menu Suggestions

Conversion Tables for Cooking Measurements

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